Springtime Garden Landscaping Tips


The harsh British winter will soon be waving goodbye, and with longer days and warmer temperatures, this is the ideal time for a garden revamp. If your lawn has seen better days, it isn’t a major job to replace the ageing grass with lush, green turf, and by pruning and tending the flower beds, you can begin to create a new look in time for the summer.

  • Get Creative – While it is a good idea to work with the resources you already have, things like extra soil can be imported to create a split level garden. If your garden is flat and you’d like to add some contours, dig out a pond in one corner and you can use this soil to build a feature. If you are lacking inspiration, there are affordable landscaping services in Harrogate and they can suggest a number of designs. It is always wise to consider maintenance when designing a garden, as without regular care and attention, it will look untidy.
  • Add a Feature – Building a rockery with a nice flowing waterfall is quite easy, and by embedding a fibreglass pond into the ground and attaching a small water pump, you can channel the water to the upper level and it will run down into the pond.
  • Remodel: Furnish your garden with the superior quality patio furniture sets.

The only thing that limits you is your own imagination, and with the help of your local landscape gardener, you will soon have a garden that provides you and your family with the ideal ambience for summer relaxation.

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